Sunday, February 14, 2010
Chinese New Year/Hari Raya/Deepavali Celebration & the total defence

This year, we all were celebrating the Chinese New Year, Hari Raya and Deepavali on the same particular day. I can't imagine that the time flew so fast.

On the friday, school was as usual but there will not be any lessons. In class, a relief teacher came.
She talk about the history of Singapore, explain to us about the total defence day, why do we celebrate it. Awhile later, the fire siren rang out echoing the school buildings.
At first, we settle down at our own classrooms first then set on our feet to the field to assemble as we were told that the science laboratory had a "fire".

We were all under the hot burning sun, everybody was sweating out until the shirts were wet. Eventually, we were send back to class after being like a bath under the sun. The teacher continue to talk and we went down again to look at those things about total defence. With only small little acts, we learned alot of things.

We ate breads n had a bottle of neWater each for our break. Some of my friends brought their own food. After our breaks, we went up to the hall to assemble to have the lined up programmes for us and for the teachers.

The performances was more perfect then i thought . We was like wouldn't dare to blink our eyes ! i really love the performance.

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.: iм Q I A N Y U {} :.

" im not a perfect girl.
my hair doesnt always stay in place &
i spill things a lot. im pretty clumsy &
sometimes i have a broken heart.
my friends & i sometimes fight &
mayb some days nothing goes right.
but when i think about it & take a step back
i remember how amazing life truly is
& that mayb. just mayb. i like being

the sites.
cynthia fellix sihui lina huixuan

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