Wednesday, March 24, 2010
the Hornbill project


The Hornbill Project Singapore is the brainchild of French naturalist, Marc Cremades of the Winged Migration fame. The ides came two years ago when he visited Pulau Ubin with long-time local birder, Prof Ng Soon Chye. 

Local partners of the project include National Parks Board, Jurong Bird Park, National University of Singapore, National Technological University and the BESGroup of the Nature Society (Singapore). International partners include ornithologists and scientists from France and Thailand.

Reflection:  Singapore had did a protect of the conversation of the Hornbill international. Now today, the "visitor" from malaysia came Singapore only left one or two species. some people that are lucky enough, they might get to see them around some areas. 
From local, National Parks Board, Jurong Bird Park, National University of Singapore, National Technological University and the BESGroup of the Nature Society plus the help from ornithologists and scientists from France and Thailand. i bet Singapore are very very grateful for their help and be able to save the extinct animals and able to let people look out and learn about th animal.

About how they breed and their diets.


Most hornbills are omnivorous and eat a combination of fruit, insects, and other small animals. The birds can use the tip of their bills as fingers to pluck fruit from trees or animals off of the ground. The edges of the bills are notched like a saw for grasping and tearing. The larger hornbill species tend to eat mostly fruit and travel from tree to tree in pairs or larges flocks

Reflection:  As i went on continue with my research, i manage to know not little things about the Hornbill. i was like their imaginary best friends. 
i was searching how actually they breed n what they eat usually . i like the way the Hornbills, excluding the Ground hornbills, how they cover the opening to protect their babies and the mates were so perseverance, fly a long time to gather the foods and keep it in their throat till they reach the "home" to feed th mother and children.
they were mostly omnivorous , eat small animals, fruits and insects.
they are specially special .

Monday, March 1, 2010
Ugliest Endangered Species: Helmeted Hornbill

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An expert with the National Wildlife Federation wrote, "I won't say any of these animals are 'ugly' just abit unique.

This hornbill's casque, or helmet, is solid keratin which makes up of 10percent of it's body weight. He uses it to fight other males for the authority to mate with females and dig in rotting barks for insects to eat.

Now, this speci is almost extinct as he lives in the rainforests of Malaysia and Indonesia and people are trying to burn the forest down. His helmet is ivory like and is illegal to trade for it. It is called, " hornbill ivory."

Reflection:  at first, in my group, no one knows what is hornbills but after the research, we were all surprised. im was very excited about finding out more about this crazy creature . When i was looking out for the photos of the Hornbill, i saw th above picture. The first thing i said was"wow" when the moment i saw this picture. i went find out the information about this unique bird that almost extinct. i was very upset that most of the animals was going at this part of time yet not most of the people had seen the going extinct animal. yet i wish the things to remain as it is and maintain a balance for everything, that's the bet solution and think before anything is done.

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.: iм Q I A N Y U {} :.

" im not a perfect girl.
my hair doesnt always stay in place &
i spill things a lot. im pretty clumsy &
sometimes i have a broken heart.
my friends & i sometimes fight &
mayb some days nothing goes right.
but when i think about it & take a step back
i remember how amazing life truly is
& that mayb. just mayb. i like being

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